We are thrilled to announce our 2020-2021 Season: Perfect Vision. The Ballet Clinic will be starting our second season, September 8, 2020. This upcoming season we will be accepting a total of 36 students from across the United States broken down into the following categories. The application/audition process will begin March 1, 2020 and applicants will be notified by June 1, 2020. To apply for a spot at Clinic you will need to audition in person at the Balelt Clinic via private lesson, short-term, workshop or intensive.
As of January, the following 24 spots are open for our second season: Female Spots: Group 3 (ages 15+): 4 spots Group 4 (ages 13-15): 2 Spots Group 5 (ages 11-12): 3 Spots Group 6 (ages 8-10): 4 Spots Male Spots: Group 1B: 4 Spots Group 2B: 5 Spots |